Ambassador’s Metamorphosis

Ten years ago I bought a lovely Ambassador car to drive MAnjula around.

As her lung condition worsened she was less comfortable on the back of the scooter and she complained of my poor riding of my Enfield motorbike.

She was known to tell me off. 🤔🤭

We joked about our version of ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ the Hollywood movie of the black guy chauffeuring the old lady in a fab vintage car.

In our case the old English man drove the beautiful young Indian woman.

She looked much younger than her age, so our age gap wasn’t so severe.

MAnjula would love it when I asked guests to guess her age. They’d usually think 15-20 years younger than she was.

Manjula would be proud of our newly renovated Ambassador.

Many of the local friends and neighbours stop me to admire her.

Here’s details of the car’s metamorphosis.


Originally built in 1960 when the Morris Oxford was introduced to India from the U.K.

There was a trend to buy and add body sections in the 1970’s. To update to a more modern mark 4.

So this is her second reincarnation.

A startlingly gorgeous radical red.

Our car’s first big change

It begins again

A big job and no less difficult to decide on the new colour.

Feel the change.

Nearly there but is it the right decision? Where’s indecisiveness come from? it’s not new to me but it’s grown..,

We’re still waiting, with one or two extra additions.

Looking good and madam would be happy

A footnote, something tells me it’ll not be the last.

Nothing ever quite goes to plan.

Not satisfied with sticking out ‘as a sore thumb’ …. But also being well know for being the luckiest guy with… a beautiful wife, ‘adopted’ nine year old, homestay and cycle tour business, black dog, love-letter cat, Manjula’s Mysore —- being kind with ‘good’ projects — community family around the world, we’ve now got an absolutely gorgeous radical ambassador.

Do come visit and say hello to the newest member (and all) of the family.


Manjula’s Garden

A message popped up in Facebook which reminded me of how bare the park was before we installed the benches and created her garden

I hope you like it Manjula

Young of all ages like it too

Manjula’s Mysore, doing good.

Welcome to our new company and its Director’s : Sarvesh and Stephen, originally set up by Manjula’s good friends: Satish and Tanuja

please follow the links for more information

So far …

we organised a funday for 40 visually impaired young women in August 2022.

…including cycle tours on our tandem

… we’ve sited benches and created gardens in Manjula’s Memory

… donated almost 50 bicycles to NGOs, individuals and members of our team.

fed older people at an ashram and projects supporting people during the pandemic

… sponsored young people’s education

… organised a summer camp and holiday

We’re about celebrating Manjula and continuing her good work.

What next?

We will continue to welcome guests to Mysore Bed and Breakfast and provide MyCycle: Mysore Cycle Tours and the income we bring in, after covering costs, will all go to helping our communities.

We’re open to suggestions to work with young people.


Manjula died in 2019 but lives on in our hearts and through these gifts.

our friends

You know what they say?

It’s the people that makes a place, as reflected in many of the guest comments in our books and online reviews.

I don’t think it’s possible to over emphasise. In my view, people connecting well, becoming friends, enjoying life, is what it’s all about.

Yes we’ve set it up and it is our home and you’ll feel us, throughout the place and while she’s not with us anymore and by now has hopefully found another place or is waiting for me, Manjula’s presence, her essence is most definitely here and with me and always will be.

It’s a happy, open, welcoming home.

It’s the many varied, rich mix of guests (see photos below) that add the icing on the cake. That make it all worthwhile. Even over her last few months when she became more ill she wouldn’t close the place, meeting and interacting with guests until the very last, was what she wanted. Manjula recognised that you had become our family and the incredible support both she and I have received when she was ill and for me over the more recent difficult times have been incredible.

I want to introduce you to a few of the members of this constantly evolving extended family.

The lovely couple, Amy and Tom…



…first came to visit us maybe five or more years ago. After that first holiday trip they got married, resigned from their jobs and became nomads, travelling and working around the world. We sort of adopted them (and they us) and see them regularly here or elsewhere. Amy was our celebrant at our wedding, Check here and here and here Tom took the photographs!  They knew of Manjula’s illness and so were with us on two occasions early this year and once they’d learned that she’d moved on to another life (our previous postings and Manjula’s story can be found here) they came again, especially flew in to support me for two weeks. I hadn’t realised how much I needed it but I really did.

Ina, moved to Australia from Scotland as a young child, so I wonder how does she still have such a strong Scottish accent after a few years!? Ina visits every year and became a great friend to Manjula. Her first visit was to meet up with a Tibetan monk, living a couple of hours away in Bylakuppe. It was the first time she’d met after over ten years of providing financial support.

Meet more of our team and guests, our family here and recent guests Jean-Yves and Nathalie and their great blog entries of their visit.

Manjula and I have visited previous guests in the UK, I’ve visited guests in Canada and the US, two guests have sent paintings of Manjula and Lucie, we’ve celebrated birthdays and Christmas, I’ve met guests at the music festival featured in a fictional story on our  site here, a guest has planted trees in New Zealand in memory of Manjula, I can go on and on (as you will realise)….

We are so lucky.

As a guest of Mysore Bed and Breakfast you’re not expected to do all these things,(although you’re welcome to) just come stay and have a great visit.

We look forward to welcoming you,

Peas and love



check the photos, there are many more in our flickr albums here 



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