Sorry and sad

Driving on a double road this morning a ten month old bullock stepped into the path of my Ambassador

A group quickly developed, as is usual in India.

Satish came to handle the situation. Compensating the owner with 4000 Rs (£40) in theory for the poor bullock’s leg to be fixed up and he to be taken to the old cow’s home.

But I wonder if the owner will just pocket the money and sell the poor bullock to become meat even thought just recently that became illegal.

I’m really sad and sorry.

Celebrating Mysore Art

Mysore storyteller’s Network were in the sensitive hands of R G Singh who guided us through the history of his wonderful private collection of Mysore Art.

One of the hidden gems of Mysore. He’s from a family who arrived over two hundred years ago who celebrate and perpetuate the mysore style art. The museum has special exhibitions and occasionally provides guided tours to the exhibits that cover exactly those 200 hundred years of Mysore Art.

I discovered that one of my paintings is similar to one of R G Singh’s in his collection. It’s the cosmic egg.

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